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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mark Johnson - Hitting Mechanics

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The Categories they have are: BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit today!


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Gain a Competitive Advantage With Baseball Training Aids

Shown above are two exciting new baseball products and baseball equipment for 2011.

Gain a Competitive Advantage With Baseball Training Aids
By Louis Seeley
Are you looking to take your baseball skills to the next level? Do you dream of throwing harder, batting better, and fielding with ease? These are skills that can be learned, honed, and perfected and baseball-training aids can make it possible.

Practice is the key to success in any athletic endeavor, and baseball is no exception.
The old adage "practice makes perfect" may be cliché, but it is true. Unfortunately, many sports, specifically a team sport like baseball, typically require a group of people to practice effectively. Conventional wisdom tells us that effective baseball training requires at least two athletes. Fortunately, this is no longer true as baseball training aids allow athletes to perform effective and efficient training without a partner or team.

Baseball and softball training aids are athletic training tools designed to develop and improve baseball specific skills. There are a variety of different training aids, each designed to perfect a specific area of your game. Each training tool improves skill-specific muscle memory; so effective training with these tools will vastly improve game performance.

Muscle memory is a form of procedural memory that stores the physical mechanics behind a specific task inside the brain. Muscle memory training is a very important part of athletic success. While it is always great to get faster and stronger, an athlete should really focus on getting faster and stronger in a way that is relevant to his or her specific sport or even his or her specific position.

Baseball training aids not only improve strength, conditioning, and hand-eye-coordination, they do so in a way that directly correlates to baseball success. For example, the Swift Stik lightweight training bat allows hitters to practice hundred of swings in one training session without the injury risks of a heavier bat. This type of repetition is the most important factor in building effective muscle memory.

Another training tool, the Arm Strong, improves throwing strength, accuracy and speed by combining light resistance training with a natural throwing motion. The benefits of this type of training are plain to see. In order to see the same results with an outdated training regimen, an athlete would have to spend hours in the gym, followed by hours playing catch and taking batting practice. That's not exactly efficient.

While no training tool can ever replace real-game experience, there is no reason to risk injury and waste time by treating skill and strength conditioning as different types of training. With baseball training aids, all of these necessary training steps can be combined into one simple program.

That's not all. The best part about these types of training tools is the fact that they can be used alone. There are no more excuses to slack off in the off-season. These training tools put success squarely in the hands of the competitor. It is time to gain a competitive edge with professional baseball and softball training aids.

Louis Seeley is an expert in the area of baseball training aids. For more information on top-of-the-line baseball training aids, visit:

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Thanks to our sponsors: - The original rotational hitting machine. - Derek Jeter Baseball Trainer - Worlds most advanced batting tee. - Joe Mauer Quick Swing Batting Trainer - Teaches the perfect swing mechanics. - Advanced Batting Tee for Advanced Hitters - Your best buy in backyard batting cages. - NEW PRODUCT! Great for all batting cages! Safe, efficient, & convenient!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baseball Hitting Instruction - No Hook in the Handpath Swing

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kids Baseball - Coach the Fundamentals of Throwing and Catching

Kids Baseball - Coach the Fundamentals of Throwing and Catching
By Kenny Buford

When coaching kids' baseball, an important first step is identifying the mechanical elements of each skill and then using that knowledge to teach the fundamentals of the game. Most beginning players will not know the proper technique for gripping, throwing, and catching the ball. Establishing these skills early will ensure players feel more confident and have fun playing the game.

Proper Grip

Start by teaching how to grip the ball:

For proper grip, the ball should only contact the fingers and thumb, not the palm of the hand. However, because beginning players' hands are often small, they might have to use their whole hand in the grip.
Players should grip the ball across the seams, with their fingers spread over the top of the ball and their thumb positioned on the bottom. Those with big enough hands should use only the index and middle fingers, while those with smaller hands can use three fingers to grip the ball across the top.
As the grip is released, players should focus on keeping the fingers directly behind the ball. Following through with the fingers after the throw will increase the velocity of the ball.

Throwing Fundamentals

Next, coach proper throwing technique for a basic overhand:

Players should begin the throwing motion by taking a step with the foot opposite of the throwing arm. The step should be in the direction they will be throwing.
The front shoulder and hip should be positioned so that they are pointing in the direction of the throw.
The front shoulder should be positioned toward the target, and the rest of the body is turned to the side. The arms should be extended from the body in a T-formation.
As the arm begins the throwing motion, the elbow should be as high as the shoulder and the hand should be higher than the head.
The front foot should now start forward, stepping toward the target.
As the arm continues the throw, the front shoulder and hip should turn so that they face toward the target.
The ball should be released above and in front of the head, snapping the wrist right before the release and pushing through with the fingers directly behind the ball.
Follow through the throw by bending the back slightly forward.

Basic Catching Technique

To coach catching, follow these steps:

Keep arms bent and relaxed, and provide a target for the thrower.
Hold the glove open toward the thrower, keeping the fingers up. If the ball is thrown low, switch to position the fingers down.
Use the bare hand to cover the ball once it is caught in the glove.
After the catch, bring the glove, ball, and throwing hand up to the chest and prepare to throw.

And if you'd like to see more free kids baseball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:
Kenny Buford is a kids baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for kids baseball drills, practice ideas, and coaching tips.

Article Source:

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Business Lesson from Baseball

A Business Lesson from Baseball
By guest author: Rix Quinn

Few personalities dominated the American scene like basball slugger George Herman "Babe" Ruth. He entered the major leagues as a pitcher, but also won fame with the Boston Red Sox as a powerful hitter.

Since a pitcher can't play every day, somebody recommended Babe be placed in the outfield. This may have been one of baseball's greatest decisions.

Babe was traded to the New York Yankees in 1920, and became a superstar, media personality, and a hero to millions. He played 22 years, compiled a lifetime batting average of .342, and slammed an amazing 714 home runs.

In 1927 he also set a season record for homers with 60. That mark stood until 1961.

Babe was a large, powerful man. When I watch him in old newsreels, it appears he's swinging to hit the home run. He once said, "If I just tried to hit singles, I'd bat .600."

The Babe knew his fame came from power hitting. It's what the fans came to see, and he seldom disappointed them.

One time somebody asked Babe if he ever felt guilty that he made more money than the President of the United States. Asked Babe, "How many home runs did the President hit last year?"

Even back then, Babe symbolized a publicity secret we sometimes forget: recognition often comes to (a) the first to accomplish something, (b) the best at it, or (c) the first one to tell the world about it.

Rix Quinn is a specialist at short writing. His book on the subject, “Words That Stick” is available at

To reach him for consultation, e-mail

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Baseball Hitting Practice Is Fun

Baseball Hitting Practice Is Fun
By guest author: Jeffery A Wise

During my 14 years of baseball, my favorite part of practice was the baseball hitting. For some reason, all my coaches followed the same order for practice: stretching, warming up, fielding drills, running drills, game situation and ending with hitting practice. Because my favorite part of practice was last, it built up anticipation to get me through the other things I didn't care for as much. Here's what I loved so much about hitting practice. You rush up to the plate, take a few deep breaths and the hitting pitcher starts throwing you some balls. Even though it's not a game, the adrenaline is still pumping. You want to get the best hits you can. But here's a question to consider. Should you just start hacking at everything thrown or should you be selective and only hit the good pitches? I think the latter is the better option. You should treat practice like it's a game. If only five out of 50 pitches are good, then you should only hit five pitches. Since this is your own personal time to work on hitting with a live pitcher, here are some tips you should consider.

Bunt the first two balls. One down the third base line and one down the first base line - Really focus on good form. Don't get lazy!
Look for pitches to drive into the outfield.
Hit five balls to left field, five to center field and five to right field - Spreading it out will help you during games especially when you need to hit the ball to a certain part of the field to move a runner over.
Know the strike zone. If the ball is way too high, low, outside or inside, don't swing. Don't swing at bad pitches! It won't do you any good.
Remain confident and be ready to attack each pitch. Let your coaches know that you take batting practice seriously.

You will be a better hitter and more prepared for games if you follow these baseball hitting practice tips. Have fun but take it seriously. Work hard and be open to learning new ways to be the best you can be.

Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn more about baseball hitting practice so that you can hit a baseball better. Start learning today at our baseball hitting blog and by reading our information and watching our videos.

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Thanks to our Sponsor: Advanced Skills Tee
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Advanced Skills Tee Product Description
Used By Over 1,200 High Schools and Colleges!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Baseball Training Aids

Baseball Training Aids
By Eugene Rischall

Baseball training aids are a tremendous benefit to ballplayers of all levels. This article will explain different baseball training aids.

Baseball pitching machines are a great baseball hitting aid to help hitters with their timing and focus. There are many types of baseball pitching machines that can throw different types and speeds of pitches. There are many different drills you can do with your pitching machines. Other great baseball hitting aids include batting tees, handheld trainers, hitting machines, and soft toss machines.

Baseball pitching aids include practice pitching mounds, pitching rubbers, silhouette batter, pitchbacks, and backdrops. A silhouette batter is like having a real batter at the plate. A great baseball pitching aid good for pitching location.

Batting cages and backdrops are excellent baseball training aids. There are many different types of batting cages, portable or foldable, with or without hoods and wings. Backdrops come in different sizes, they also come in vinyl or rubber. Training bases and plates are great baseball training aids. Baseball gloves and bats which come in different shapes, sizes, and weight are great for training.

Training booklets and videos are very important for training. They show all the right fundamentals on becoming a better ballplayer. Booklets and videos include all the right hitting techniques, pitching techniques, proper way to field any position, baserunning, coaching, strength and conditioning, tee ball, softball, and little leagues.

There are many different baseball training aids which can be used for training. With the use of the proper training aids, persistence, and hard work, you will be successful.

Author- Eugene Rischall, Owner, Baseball Training Emporium -

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===Advertisement from our sponsor:===== is the ultimate online baseball training and coaching store. With over 1400 products organized into categories makes finding that baseball training product easy and simple. Order securely online or by phone. is a fully licensed company and has a full time staff available from 8:00 to 5:00 CST. Their toll free customer service number is 1-877-431-4487.

The Categories they have are: BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit today!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baseball Hitting Tips and Drills for Baseball Coaches & Players

Baseball Hitting Tips and Drills for Baseball Coaches & Players
Super8Hitting Baseball Hitting Drills for Coaching Baseball. Coach Joe Brockhoff reveals hitting tips for baseball instruction, and how to hit a baseball.

Thanks to our sponsors:

Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
How Does the Quick Swing Batting Trainer Work?
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Links
Video Demo of the Joe Mauer Quick Swing Baseball Batting Trainer

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why Baseball Pitching Machines Can Make A Big Difference?

Why Baseball Pitching Machines Can Make A Big Difference?
By Stewart Wrighter

The pitching machines are some of the best available baseball training aids for any young baseball player. This training in particular helps with perfecting your technique for hitting the ball by exposing you to all types of ball throwing tactics and speeds. Before you go and buy such a tool, you need to know what you should look for to get the best possible deal. You need to check for the following:

1. Pitch speed - Check whether the machine has the right pitching speed you need. Many machines today come with adjustable (manual or automatic) speed. Ensure you buy the one that suits you best or it would money lost.

2. Number of wheels - Check that your favorite machine has the right number of wheels. Once again, if these are less or more, it would be counterproductive for you.

3. Mobility - The machines you choose should be easily movable from one place to another. This is normally a large and bulky machine and you would definitely need it on the pitch ground to practice. So, to avoid too much inconvenience, you need to choose a machine that is highly mobile.

4. Accessories - As any other machine, it is important that you know and have available all the required accessories to optimize its use. Some of the must-have accessories are (1) auto ball feeder, (2) generators, (3) covers and (4) dimpled balls. Each one of these accessories would be a positive factor that contributes to your training.

5. Warranty - Whatever you buy. Ensure that there is appropriate warranty available. You never know what would go wrong and unless you have proper warranty coverage, your investment would be a complete waste.

Why are these machines so much in demand?

Not all batters have the privilege to train with a coach. This means they have to depend upon the availability of their friends to be able to practice and perfect their batting. The pitching machine does away with the need of a coach or even a friend. You could make the necessary programming and practice all day long or as much as would give you satisfaction.

This machine is designed to do everything a regular pitcher does. It can spin the ball, increase or decrease the speed of the ball, it can start with simple throws and work towards complex and complicated pitching so you can master each one aspect of batting.

What accessories you would need most?

The best machine would have auto ball feeder so you do not need someone just to man the machine. Here you can adjust the speed and type of throw so you could keep on practicing until you would be dreaming about it. Choose dimpled balls over any other type available. These balls would ensure that your machine lasts as long as it was designed for.

Automatic pitch selector is also a very good feature on the machine as this would ensure that there is just enough variety in the pitching so the batter would have the best ever practice.

Stewart Wrighter owns and operates a top ranking web site to help people find pitching machines to improve their baseball skills. He offers a large selection of baseball training aids for aspiring baseball players.

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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine Demo Video

Check out the Hurricane Hitting Machine: Derek Jeter Series:
Hurricane Hitting Machine - Homepage
15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
Message to Parents From Coach Nick
Examples of Hurricane Hitting Drills
The Highly Acclaimed 20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
Hurricane Batting Machine Video Clips
Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Best Baseball Glove Brands

The Best Baseball Glove Brands
bostonsucs The Best Baseball glove Brands.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Catching 101 - Baseball Catcher Receiving Drills

Catching 101 - Baseball Catcher Receiving Drills
Catchers from the University of Louisville practicing receiving drills with Coach Xan Barksdale. For more instruction and videos please visit

Thanks to our sponsors:

Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
How Does the Quick Swing Batting Trainer Work?
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Links
Video Demo of the Joe Mauer Quick Swing Baseball Batting Trainer

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baseball Coaching - Developing a Philosophy

Baseball Coaching - Developing a Philosophy
By guest author: Kenny Buford

The key to successful baseball coaching is developing a philosophy. A baseball philosophy should encompass your approach to the game, how you want your team to play, and how you want others to perceive your team. If you are able to effectively communicate your philosophy to your team, then everyone - coaches, players, and parents - will be able to work together towards the same goal.

Where to Begin

The first step in developing a baseball philosophy is considering your past experiences. Think back on your growth as a player and a coach and remember who had an impact on you and why you wanted to play. Try to define the style of baseball you like to play.

In baseball coaching, especially when first developing a program, it is important to remember that baseball will not always be the number one priority for your players. Other factors, like family, school, and church, will be - and should be - more important to them. When developing your philosophy, try to use baseball as a way for players to round out their established priorities.

Remember the Past

When looking back at past experiences in baseball, it is important to remember both the good and the bad. What made something a positive or negative experience? How did your coach's interaction with you make you feel? Use these memories to determine how you want to treat your players - or those you have to cut from the team.

Keep in mind that being a successful coach is less about being a good player and more about being a good teacher. Good players can't always explain how they play so well, but a good teacher should be able to explain any skill in a way the players can understand.

Learn from the Present

A good baseball coach is willing to learn from others and adjust to make necessary changes. Use every interaction with other coaches and teams as a means of expanding your understanding of the game. Everyone has a different approach and style, and if you find some new way that works, you should feel free to incorporate it into your coaching. Ask questions and let coaches know that you admire what they are doing.

Look to the Future

The final step in developing a baseball philosophy is setting goals. What do you want to accomplish with your team? A good goal is to get to the point where every player is playing to the best of his ability. This would mean your team is successful, even if you don't have a winning season.

For more youth baseball coaching ideas and practice planning tips, go here to watch a free video:

Kenny Buford is a youth baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for youth baseball drills, tips, and practice ideas for coaches.

Thanks to our sponsors: is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit now!

Check out these video demos of some of the most popular baseball training products on today's market. Click below and see the Advanced Skills Tee, Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer, and the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine.

--Video of the Advanced Skills Tee is used by a college hitter during a hitting drill.

--Baseball Batting Tee - The Advanced Skills Tee - Baseball Trainer

--Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine - Youth Baseball Batting Trainer - Youth Hitting Drill

--Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer - Demo Tape Shows How the Machine Loads, and Operates During Use.

--Derek Jeter Hurricane Batting Machine - Baseball Backyard Batting Trainer

--Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine - The Backyard Basketball Goal for Baseball Players

--Youth Baseball Batting Trainer - Hitting Drill

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baseball Practice - How to Prepare for a Successful Season

Baseball Practice - How to Prepare for a Successful Season
By Kenny Buford

The key to successful baseball practice -- and a successful season -- is communication. Coaches, players, and parents should all be on the same page regarding the expectations and philosophy of the team.

Communication is Key

Some important issues that should be communicated at the beginning of the season are:

Schedule: players and parents should receive a practice and game calendar as soon as possible so that they can make family and travel plans around it.
Uniform: communicate to players (and parents, depending on age) what you expect them to wear to practice. Games will most likely require uniforms, but if you have any expectations of what players will wear to practice, you need to let them know early.
Practice plan: coaches and players should know what's expected of them during practice and how long each practice is going to last. Each coach should have a clipboard outlining the practice plan for that day, and it would also be beneficial for the plan to be posted so that players can access it as well.
Having all this information available requires a lot of organization and thinking ahead. By knowing your philosophy and approach ahead of time, you can effectively communicate with your team.

Organizing Baseball Practice

When organizing a practice schedule, you should first consider what your goals are for both the short and long term. This will help you determine what to accomplish over the entire season, and you can then break it down into months, weeks, and single practice sessions. Your plan should be flexible to allow change as needed, but having goals will keep your team focused and provide direction for the season.

Any given practice might go something like this:

Begin with stretching while talking about baseball. Players should get their head in the game as soon as practice starts.
Next have the players run to get warmed up.
After running, pair up the players for catch. More advanced players should be paired based on their positions, and beginning players should be paired based on ability level.
Next players should work on drills based on their positions. When teaching drills, coaches should first demonstrate them so that they know players do them correctly, and then have them repeat the drill until it becomes habit.
After drills on the individual, group, and team level, players should have batting practice.
The final part of practice should be running. Running conditioning is most effective if it is somehow related to game play, like exercises to improve base-running technique or even sprinting on or off the field.
For a successful season, practices should be consistent and progressive. Follow the steps above for each practice, knowing ahead of time which skills you would like to focus on. By being organized and communicating your goals to your team, players will come to practice knowing that their hard work is going to pay off!

To learn more coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:

Kenny Buford is a youth baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for baseball practice drills, tips, and ideas for youth and high school coaches.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Little League Baseball Drills - Batting Practice

Little League Baseball Drills - Batting Practice
By guest author: Chris Campbell

I have heard it said by many an accomplished athlete, that one of the hardest things you can do in professional sports, is to hit a major league fastball. Or any major league pitch for that matter. Just ask Micheal Jordan. He may be a living legend in the world of professional basketball, but he only managed a 202 batting average for the Birmingham Barons (a farm team for the Chicago White Sox). The moral being, it's best to get your little leaguer started early, if they plan on challenging some of the MLB hitting records.

With that in mind, lets consider a few hitting drills that the kids can use to get their bats swinging true, and making contact as soon as possible. One of the best drills you can do with your kids, is simply to grab a bucket of balls, and pitch a few to them every day you can find the time to do so. It's practically impossible, for most kids to get enough batting practice with the team. There's a limited number of pitchers, catchers, and backstops for most little league coaches to work with. It's almost impossible for them to get more then a few minutes hitting each practice. A one on one practice with mom or dad every day or so will really help out.

Now just swinging for the sake of swinging will make you a better hitter, but there are a few simple points you should keep in mind, to maximize the time put in. Don't harp on these items too much, as they can be a bit technical and boring for kids. Try to make it fun for them at the same time.

Choosing The Right Bat

Picking a bat that's appropriate for your child's height and strength can make all the difference. It should feel comfortable for them to hold and swing the bat. If the bat is slowing down their swing too much, it's probably a little too heavy. There is a simple way to test a bat, even before you buy one. Simply have your son or daughter hold the bat by the handle, and hold it straight out to the side, so the bat is parallel to the ground. They should be able to hold the bat steady for at least fifteen seconds. If they can't, or their arms starts to shake, you should try a smaller bat.

Batter Positioning

It's important to know where the batters box is, where home plate is, and where the strike zone is. That way, even little league players, can put themselves in good position to reach any ball that is passing through the strike zone. Even if your in your back yard practicing, you can mock up a plate, and batters box. Just use a can of spray paint on the grass to mark out home plate and a made up batters box. Don't worry, it'll disappear the next time you cut the grass.

Little League Baseball Drills is a great resource for helping your little leaguer get the most out of his or hers favorite pastime. With a little good training, amateur or even professional ball players will see a dramatic improvement in the way they play.

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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

Derek Jeter Hurricane Machine Training Blog - Links

---15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
---6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
---Message to Parents From Coach Nick
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Drills
---20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Video Demo Clips has a one of the internet's largest selections of baseball coaching and training dvds

Monday, October 11, 2010

Baseball Positions And Baseball Coaching

Baseball Positions And Baseball Coaching
By guest author: Chris Moheno

With nine different positions, have you ever thought about all the baseball coaching and baseball drills that goes into each position? There are several, and you will find that positions like the "pitcher" is subject to more training then just pitching the ball. This is why, when children are growing up, they are encouraged to play several different places on the field to interact in all baseball drills and learn all aspects of the game.

Doing so enables young players to get a feel for what is expected from each position and helps coaches figure out where they are best suited to play. As the years progress, the children go from a rotating position type coaching style to playing just a few positions like pitcher, center field, and first base as the game becomes more competitive. By high school age, players have done so much training and been involved in so many games, they could basically teach younger players different drills that they have learned.

Going back to pitchers, they must learn to field the ball coming off the mound, backing up bases when throws are coming from the outfield, and being able to keep base runners at bay to cut down on stolen bases. Catchers must be able to not just "catch" the ball, but keep it in front of them, know how to throw out base runners, and also backup first base whenever necessary. Infielders must learn to execute ground balls to first base, turn two (double plays), and keep the ball in front of them with various techniques.

You get the idea and each position has its own little baseball training secrets that make fielding a whole lot easier. It usually depends on how committed to playing the sport of baseball itself the player is, which translates into more baseball training and focus. High school players can turn into college scholarship players with the right dedication and work ethic, then possibly into a professional athlete where playing a certain position is much more relevant than the younger ages.

However, it all starts with you and how far you want to pursue baseball. Talk with your coaches and see if there are other baseball drills you can be doing or have them help you perfect the ones you are doing now. As you learn, you will not only grow as a player, but will be able to do some baseball coaching yourself to younger generations, whether through charity work or siblings.

Having the abilities to be a great baseball player is definitely part of the pedigree, but having a great understanding of the game and all the tools to play is essential for years to come.

Discover more about Baseball Training on baseballtrainingsecrets.

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Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
How Does the Quick Swing Batting Trainer Work?
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Links
Video Demo of the Joe Mauer Quick Swing Baseball Batting Trainer

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Arm Health and Conditioning

Arm Health and Conditioning
By guest author: Sita Ram

Arm injuries have become a major issue in youth sports. With the development of year-round baseball, travel teams, playing on multiple teams and a complete dedication to baseball specialization, issues caused by repetitive stress are becoming both more prevalent and more severe. With the arrival of Major League Baseball opening day and youth baseball in full swing, examining overall arm health is more important now than ever. That's why I want to share with everybody the teachings of Alan Jaeger and his viewpoint on arm strength and conditioning.

Mr. Jaeger, as a personal trainer and consultant for nearly 20 years, has worked with over 70 professional baseball players, including Barry Zito, Andrew Bailey and Dan Haren, and countless amateur athletes. There are three significant components to the complete Jaeger Program:

1. The Mental Game
2. Yoga
3. Arm Development

Obviously, all three elements are highly interrelated and the ultimate accomplishments in each facet will contribute to the overall success of each athlete in the program. Yet, because of its unique aspects, after touching on Alan's philosophy on the Mental Game and yoga, the focus of this article will be on the Arm Conditioning curriculum.

The Mental Game. As previously discussed, baseball is the ultimate "spotlight sport" (Pressure in Youth Sports, May 2005) and creates tremendous stress on young kids. As players continue to develop and mature, they are separated less by physical differences and more on mental differences. The ability to stay focused during their preparation and throughout the game is the missing link between having potential and realizing potential. To maximize performance, Jaeger emphasizes meditation, breathing and visualization. These calming techniques work to simplify the game and can be transferred, through breathing, from practice into game situations thereby enhancing focus and performance.

Yoga. Yoga provides the bridge between mental preparation and game performance by coordinating breathing, flexibility, balance, strength and endurance. Alan notes that "if a player wants to maximize their arm strength, then they also need to build strength in their lower back and core muscle groups that are all a critical part of the kinetic chain." The core of Yoga is proper breathing, allowing increased concentration and focus, which provides the connection between physical and mental well being. The increased physical conditioning, along with better oxygenation, will help in injury prevention. In addition to the obvious strength and flexibility benefits, Jaeger also believes that properly incorporating yoga into the program will add at least 3 MPH to a pitcher's fastball since a relaxed muscle is obviously quicker and more efficient.

Pros Learning New Yoga Techniques from Alan

Arm Strength and Conditioning. A cornerstone of the Jaeger Program is the idiom that players shouldn't be throwing to warm-up, but should instead be warming-up to throw. Arm strength is a key element of any complete player and is just as important to work on as hitting or fielding. Unfortunately, most players, especially kids, neglect their arms. The goal of the Jaeger Program is to have players "thrive on throwing" by following a strength and conditioning agenda designed to build a strong base in the off-season and to establish a maintenance program in season by using a series of arm circles, J-Bands, mechanics, and a committed long toss plan.

Arm Circles. Arm circles must be completed properly before there can even be a thought of picking up a baseball. General physiology now requires a dynamic warm-up before any type of static stretching can take place. A set of arm circles is the first exercise that is done to warm up the smaller muscles in the shoulder to maximize the benefits of the J-Bands. Essentially, arm circles consist of 16-20 revolutions in progressively larger rotations, from very small, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and then full circles. This should be done both forward and backward to build flexibility, balance, strength and stamina in the rotator cuff muscle group.

J-Bands. Exercises with surgical tubing (J-Bands) are an important part of preparing for long tossing. Originally made popular by the renowned orthopedist, Dr. Frank Jobe, J-Band exercises are a series of strength, conditioning, and flexibility movements designed to isolate the specific muscles in the arm, back and shoulder that are used while throwing. The purpose of these exercises is to rehabilitate, develop and prepare the arm before any throwing takes place.

Long Toss. There are two main phases to this part of the program:

1) stretching out; and
2) pull-downs.

While stretching out, the goal is to "massage" the arm as you move further away from your throwing partner. This is done by listening to the muscles and throwing as far as your arm allows. Rather than straight baseball throws, each repetition should be made up in the air and allowing the arm to make a full range of motion. As distance is added, throws should be with proper mechanics and using a "crow-hop" to reduce any stress on the arm. As each player opens-up, the muscles begin to lengthen. It may take a few weeks to build up a solid base and substantially increase distance, but that is the goal of this part of the exercise. During the pull-down phase, you'll throw on a line as you move back toward your partner about 10 feet each toss. This will help generate arm speed, strength, and acceleration through the release point. Doing this program regularly will certainly help any players arm health and strength. Alan Jaeger states that "arm health is about being proactive, being really smart about a few things, including using proper mechanics and what you're trying to accomplish with long toss".

Pros Focus on Alan Jaeger's J-Band Workout

Throwing so much (a solid long toss session may take 45 minutes or longer) seems to contradict much of the current philosophy relating to repetitive stress arm injuries. Yet, Jaeger contends that properly conditioning the arm by throwing is preventative, not causational. If a proper base is built in the offseason and maintained, a player can consistently throw. However, Alan also acknowledges that it is imperative to understand the variables related to pitch counts and the suggested American Sports Medicine Institute ("ASMI") recovery periods, which among other things, recommend no overhand throwing at all for 2-3 months a year. Perhaps most importantly, Jaeger states that kids need to try to be more aware and that they should not be throwing on sore or fatigued arms.

The training program should be done frequently. While throwing off a mound is contingent on pitch counts and recovery, for the most part, everybody should simply throw at least five times each week, but at least three times each week if they want to develop their arms. While it may take 3-6 weeks to get into shape and build the base, after that it is okay to throw almost every day. Jaeger explains it this way: "runners want to run, bowlers want to bowl, the muscles want to work and the more a player throws the better they will feel".

Alan's message to kids is that if they're truly committed to finding out how good they can be and care about the game, then they have to be proactive in some of the more neglected parts of baseball. While each player has to hit and take grounders, the truly successful players are the ones that work hard at the more subtle parts of the game. Kids need to know, if they want a future in baseball that they can't play if they can't throw so they need to learn how to take care of their arm. Also, they cannot ignore the mental part of the game, which becomes even more important as they get older. So, they need to learn about breathing and mental conditioning. Given the busy schedules that all kids have, make the mental game a priority, even if it's only for five minutes a day.

Coaches and parents have to be more aware as well as begin to understand that all sports performances should be evaluated on the "process" rather than the "results". This will allow for a healthier mental approach to baseball. The bottom line is that today's players have a tremendous amount of information on how to improve and stay healthier. The Jaeger Program is a great example of how kids can stay healthy, improve arm strength and begin to truly excel through mental conditioning and yoga. Needless to say, other than a glove and a bat, the most important baseball-throwing arm conditioning equipment belonging in your baseball bag is the J-Bands.


sitaram has been actively involved in coaching youth sports for many years. Focused primarily on coaching and teaching baseball, football and basketball, Kaiserman has served on the Board of Directors for the Beverly Hills Little League, the Beverly Hills Basketball League and the Rancho Park Advisory Board. After graduating from UCLA, Ken obtained his JD/MBA from USC. He practiced law at the prestigious, Houston based, law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski before founding the biggest sports products for kids website for SportsKids is a leading website focusing on sports for kids and their families featuring coaching tips, a Sports Camp Directory, Youth League Sponsorship Program, featuring uniform sales and free youth league websites, sports games and the biggest store for sports products for kids where there are more than 250,000 sporting goods products including all types Fan Gear, and all major league beddings for all teams.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Baseball Pitching : Chair Drill Instruction - Reach and Back leg strength

Baseball Pitching : Chair Drill Instruction - Reach and Back leg strength

Pitching Instructor Rob Jackson. General Manager Mac-N Seitz Baseball Training facility.
The Chair drills works on Reach, Back Leg Strength
Finish and Flex the Knee
Reach over Front Foot
Avoid Flat Fastball
head on the ball
power and drive
downward angle
make your ball more lively
Do not lose velocity
how to pitch
how to train for pitching
how to perfrom the chair drill
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rawlings Baseball Pants - The Best Designer Pants

Rawlings Baseball Pants - The Best Designer Pants
By guest author: Reba C. Geoghegan

Baseball pants have to be chosen with care. You just cannot select anything. These pants have to be comfortable and easy to manage. They must also fit you well so that you are able to play the games with the best possible style.

Rawlings baseball pants are among the best set of designer pants available today. These pants are very comfortable, and make you feel at the top of your game. You can wash these easily even if you have had a tough game, and maintain them for further use. They are available for people of all ages. No matter whether you are a teenager playing for your school, a college student, or a family person, you will find a pair that is made especially for you. These pants are the most preferred ones for all those who love style, and like to combine fashion with sports.

They are available in plenty of colours and designs. You can thus pick the pants that look extremely good on you. You need to take care though while you are selecting them. Don't get carried away with what your friends are wearing, or size. While you play the game, it is your comfort that matters, and nothing else. Nothing spoils a game worse than a badly fitting pair of pants.

They are among the most preferred brand of pants for everyone today. You can see many people wearing this brand, because of the comfort level and style that it brings to you. With the help of a new pair of Rawlings baseball pants, you will be ensuring that your game is totally unaffected by what you are wearing, and you can be at your best. You can roll on the ground, run haywire, and even bend and fall in the strangest positions.

You can read more information before you buy rawlings baseball pants, and read exclusive reviews mizuno baseball pants from my websites.

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Video Demo of the Joe Mauer Quick Swing Baseball Batting Trainer

Monday, September 27, 2010

Youth Baseball Practice When No Field Is Available

Youth Baseball Practice When No Field Is Available
By guest author: Marty Schupak

How many times do we as coaches call for a practice, meet the team at the field, only to find one team practicing and two other teams waiting to practice. When I first started coaching, this dilemma always seemed to happen to me. I would feel sought of helpless and once even took everyone to another field with my two coaches only to find the same situation there. I made up my mind to be prepared and plan two practices. One for a field and one without a field. The biggest difference is, having a few soft covered balls available and some planned drills for a hard service.

When there is no field available our practices are usually in a parking lot.There are certain things you can and cannot do. Obviously no sliding. Regular batting practice with even soft covered balls is difficult in a parking lot.You can set up some great bunting competition games. We would divide the team in half, set up two cones and each team goes through the batting order and sees how many can bunt between the cones.

The main idea is to be creative and safety precautions are also a priority. You can have a lot of different base running drills and throwing drills. Some of my best practices have taken place in parking lots and backyards. Don't call off practice just because someone is using the field. Come prepared and have a few extra props.

Marty Schupak has coached youth baseball for 18 years and is the creator of "The 59 Minute Baseball Practice", "Backyard Baseball Drills" and author of the popular book, "Youth Baseball Drills".

Marty Schupak has coached youth baseball for 18 years and is the creator of "The 59 Minute Baseball Practice", "Backyard Baseball Drills" and author of the popular book, "Youth Baseball Drills". He is also President of the Youth Sports Club, a group dedicated to making sports practices and games more enjoyable for kids.


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Friday, September 24, 2010

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Xtender Batting Cages For Home & Youth Baseball
Heater Combo Pitching Machine & Xtender Batting Cage Package
Heater Pitching Machines

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Uses For Lightning Bolt Pitching Machine

Uses For Lightning Bolt Pitching Machine
Scheels Baseball/Softball Expert Matt Turley talks about some of the uses for the Lightning Bolt Pitching Machine.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Forearm and Grip Training For Baseball

Forearm and Grip Training For Baseball
By guest author: Mike Posey

It recently occurred to me how often young baseball players fail to train their lower arms and hands for baseball. I was recently discussing this with an expert, former National Grip Champion Jedd Johnson, and how important strong hands and forearms are in baseball. Jedd was also a baseball player in college and helped me understand how grip and forearm training relates to baseball, My hope is to help young players perform better and prevent arm injuries by adding some simple grip and forearm training to our routines..

Much of the skills of baseball require the use of the hands - swinging the bat, throwing the ball, catching the ball, applying the tag. Also, the hands can be injured during high impact situations such as diving for balls, collisions at home, leaping for a home run ball, sliding into a base, and getting the hand stepped on. In order to perform well at the skills and to be as resilient against injury in these impact situations, the hands, wrists, fingers, thumbs and forearms must be properly trained.

Bat speed starts from the legs and core, of course, but the grip comes in a split second later. With strong hands, we can have a faster bat path through zone, stronger force through contact, and a better follow through.

One item concerning the hands that is often overlooked is the role of the last two fingers (pinky and ring finger) in the control and direction of the bat. When we gear up our swing for a fastball and then notice it is a curve or a slider, we have to make micro-adjustments in order to make contact. This kind of bat control is actually done with the weakest two fingers on our hands - the last two - the pinky and ring finger. Unfortunately, nobody spends any time training these fingers so hitters have a hard time making that adjustment.

In relation to injuries, grip training is beneficial in two ways. First off, the tendons and muscles become stronger, and thus can take more force during impact without becoming strained and without causing misalignment of the bones in the wrist - when the tiny bones in the wrist get out of alignment, they can cause some nasty aggravating pain that last a long time, so prevention is the key here.

A second way grip and forearm training keeps you in the game, instead of on the disabled list is because stronger muscles will recover from injuries quicker. Hand, wrist, forearm, and even elbow injuries can be avoided or when there is an injury help you heal sooner.

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Jugs Small Ball Pitching Machine

Friday, September 17, 2010

Baseball Drills for Youth Teams

Baseball Drills for Youth Teams
By guest author: Kenny Buford

Baseball is a game of skill and power that is unlike any other game today. Baseball has subtly to it that is often lost in other team sports such as basketball and football. So when people come together to play this game they need to be ready for any eventuality no matter how unlikely it maybe. That is why baseball drills are so important. Practicing these different scenarios keeps players from being unprepared for what may happen during a game which is very important. Here are a few drills that teach players both the fundamentals and some of the more important drills that can help teams with their weaknesses.

A good drill for all around practice is ironically called the "All Around" drill. This is an excellent baseball drill to teach kids to stop the ball and how to throw in and out of field. It starts with lining up players in groups of three to four at first base, right field, and third base. Each group has a different job, the first base players try to run from first base to third without being tagged and then must slide into third base. As the player runs a coach throws a ball to the right field players. This gives them an opportunity to practice stopping the ball. Then the right fielder throws the ball low to the third base players. The third base players then need to and tag the player that ran. It's a slightly complicated drill but a good one for those that want to make sure that players are familiar with the basics of field play. Read more.

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