Advanced Youth Baseball Training Tips and Techiques

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Friday, February 27, 2009

What makes the Hurricane Hitting Machine, Derek Jeter Series, one of the absolute best training tools ever?

QUESTION: What is the main benefit of owning a Hurricane Baseball Hitting Machine?

ANSWER: I feel the number one benefit is that the Hurricane Machine gives the player a wide variety of hitting drills that allow a player to perform specific drills designed to target a players individual needs and weaknesses. Each of these drills teaches or reinforces an important fundamental of hitting.

Here are what I consider to be the 3 main benefits and advantages of the Hurricane Battin Trainer:
1. The HURRICANE HITTING MACHINE makes home practice so fun, entertaining, convenient, and productive that it is called the "Backyard Basketball Goal For Batters"! The reason for this "nickname" is that baseball and softball players love to hit as much as basketball players love to shoot. Having a hitting station in your yard 24-7 allows a player to hit or practice on "impulse" when he is bored and looking for something to do. Wouldn't you rather that your player swing the bat than play "Game Box", play "Horse" or watch TV? The truth is that the average youth player ,with average height and body build, is much more likely to play high school baseball than high school basketball because baseball involves a larger number of players than basketball. So shouldn't you make sure that your player spends as much time as possible swinging a bat? The Hurricane does just that!

2. The HURRICANE HITTING MACHINE allows your son or daughter to practice under your watchful eyes and to practice alone when you are at work or out of town. How many times has your son asked you to go outside to throw or pitch, but you had other responsibilities that prevented you from doing so? Now, your player can hit or practice alone without your help with the Hurricane Hitting Machine.

3. The HURRICANE HITTING MACHINE can be used indoors or outdoors and it makes a perfect year-round hitting station in your home or backyard. The HURRICANE HITTING MACHINE can easily give your player thousands and thousands of more practice swings each year! If you want your player to compete with other kids in the league, you must find a way to get as many practice swings as possible. The competition is tougher than ever because everyone practices and plays almost year round. Buy a Hurricane and give your player an edge over the competition! You will glad you did when your player becomes one of the team's or league's best hitters! With the purchase of a HURRICANE HITTING MACHINE that goal could be reached!

Baseball Dealz Super Store has Hurricane Machines and Parts instock. We ship within one business day.

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