Advanced Youth Baseball Training Tips and Techiques

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kids Baseball - Coach the Fundamentals of Throwing and Catching

Kids Baseball - Coach the Fundamentals of Throwing and Catching
By Kenny Buford

When coaching kids' baseball, an important first step is identifying the mechanical elements of each skill and then using that knowledge to teach the fundamentals of the game. Most beginning players will not know the proper technique for gripping, throwing, and catching the ball. Establishing these skills early will ensure players feel more confident and have fun playing the game.

Proper Grip

Start by teaching how to grip the ball:

For proper grip, the ball should only contact the fingers and thumb, not the palm of the hand. However, because beginning players' hands are often small, they might have to use their whole hand in the grip.
Players should grip the ball across the seams, with their fingers spread over the top of the ball and their thumb positioned on the bottom. Those with big enough hands should use only the index and middle fingers, while those with smaller hands can use three fingers to grip the ball across the top.
As the grip is released, players should focus on keeping the fingers directly behind the ball. Following through with the fingers after the throw will increase the velocity of the ball.

Throwing Fundamentals

Next, coach proper throwing technique for a basic overhand:

Players should begin the throwing motion by taking a step with the foot opposite of the throwing arm. The step should be in the direction they will be throwing.
The front shoulder and hip should be positioned so that they are pointing in the direction of the throw.
The front shoulder should be positioned toward the target, and the rest of the body is turned to the side. The arms should be extended from the body in a T-formation.
As the arm begins the throwing motion, the elbow should be as high as the shoulder and the hand should be higher than the head.
The front foot should now start forward, stepping toward the target.
As the arm continues the throw, the front shoulder and hip should turn so that they face toward the target.
The ball should be released above and in front of the head, snapping the wrist right before the release and pushing through with the fingers directly behind the ball.
Follow through the throw by bending the back slightly forward.

Basic Catching Technique

To coach catching, follow these steps:

Keep arms bent and relaxed, and provide a target for the thrower.
Hold the glove open toward the thrower, keeping the fingers up. If the ball is thrown low, switch to position the fingers down.
Use the bare hand to cover the ball once it is caught in the glove.
After the catch, bring the glove, ball, and throwing hand up to the chest and prepare to throw.

And if you'd like to see more free kids baseball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:
Kenny Buford is a kids baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for kids baseball drills, practice ideas, and coaching tips.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

A Business Lesson from Baseball

A Business Lesson from Baseball
By guest author: Rix Quinn

Few personalities dominated the American scene like basball slugger George Herman "Babe" Ruth. He entered the major leagues as a pitcher, but also won fame with the Boston Red Sox as a powerful hitter.

Since a pitcher can't play every day, somebody recommended Babe be placed in the outfield. This may have been one of baseball's greatest decisions.

Babe was traded to the New York Yankees in 1920, and became a superstar, media personality, and a hero to millions. He played 22 years, compiled a lifetime batting average of .342, and slammed an amazing 714 home runs.

In 1927 he also set a season record for homers with 60. That mark stood until 1961.

Babe was a large, powerful man. When I watch him in old newsreels, it appears he's swinging to hit the home run. He once said, "If I just tried to hit singles, I'd bat .600."

The Babe knew his fame came from power hitting. It's what the fans came to see, and he seldom disappointed them.

One time somebody asked Babe if he ever felt guilty that he made more money than the President of the United States. Asked Babe, "How many home runs did the President hit last year?"

Even back then, Babe symbolized a publicity secret we sometimes forget: recognition often comes to (a) the first to accomplish something, (b) the best at it, or (c) the first one to tell the world about it.

Rix Quinn is a specialist at short writing. His book on the subject, “Words That Stick” is available at

To reach him for consultation, e-mail

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Baseball Hitting Practice Is Fun

Baseball Hitting Practice Is Fun
By guest author: Jeffery A Wise

During my 14 years of baseball, my favorite part of practice was the baseball hitting. For some reason, all my coaches followed the same order for practice: stretching, warming up, fielding drills, running drills, game situation and ending with hitting practice. Because my favorite part of practice was last, it built up anticipation to get me through the other things I didn't care for as much. Here's what I loved so much about hitting practice. You rush up to the plate, take a few deep breaths and the hitting pitcher starts throwing you some balls. Even though it's not a game, the adrenaline is still pumping. You want to get the best hits you can. But here's a question to consider. Should you just start hacking at everything thrown or should you be selective and only hit the good pitches? I think the latter is the better option. You should treat practice like it's a game. If only five out of 50 pitches are good, then you should only hit five pitches. Since this is your own personal time to work on hitting with a live pitcher, here are some tips you should consider.

Bunt the first two balls. One down the third base line and one down the first base line - Really focus on good form. Don't get lazy!
Look for pitches to drive into the outfield.
Hit five balls to left field, five to center field and five to right field - Spreading it out will help you during games especially when you need to hit the ball to a certain part of the field to move a runner over.
Know the strike zone. If the ball is way too high, low, outside or inside, don't swing. Don't swing at bad pitches! It won't do you any good.
Remain confident and be ready to attack each pitch. Let your coaches know that you take batting practice seriously.

You will be a better hitter and more prepared for games if you follow these baseball hitting practice tips. Have fun but take it seriously. Work hard and be open to learning new ways to be the best you can be.

Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn more about baseball hitting practice so that you can hit a baseball better. Start learning today at our baseball hitting blog and by reading our information and watching our videos.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Baseball Training Aids

Baseball Training Aids
By Eugene Rischall

Baseball training aids are a tremendous benefit to ballplayers of all levels. This article will explain different baseball training aids.

Baseball pitching machines are a great baseball hitting aid to help hitters with their timing and focus. There are many types of baseball pitching machines that can throw different types and speeds of pitches. There are many different drills you can do with your pitching machines. Other great baseball hitting aids include batting tees, handheld trainers, hitting machines, and soft toss machines.

Baseball pitching aids include practice pitching mounds, pitching rubbers, silhouette batter, pitchbacks, and backdrops. A silhouette batter is like having a real batter at the plate. A great baseball pitching aid good for pitching location.

Batting cages and backdrops are excellent baseball training aids. There are many different types of batting cages, portable or foldable, with or without hoods and wings. Backdrops come in different sizes, they also come in vinyl or rubber. Training bases and plates are great baseball training aids. Baseball gloves and bats which come in different shapes, sizes, and weight are great for training.

Training booklets and videos are very important for training. They show all the right fundamentals on becoming a better ballplayer. Booklets and videos include all the right hitting techniques, pitching techniques, proper way to field any position, baserunning, coaching, strength and conditioning, tee ball, softball, and little leagues.

There are many different baseball training aids which can be used for training. With the use of the proper training aids, persistence, and hard work, you will be successful.

Author- Eugene Rischall, Owner, Baseball Training Emporium -

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baseball Hitting Tips and Drills for Baseball Coaches & Players

Baseball Hitting Tips and Drills for Baseball Coaches & Players
Super8Hitting Baseball Hitting Drills for Coaching Baseball. Coach Joe Brockhoff reveals hitting tips for baseball instruction, and how to hit a baseball.

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