Baseball Glove Repair - No Better Time Than Now
By Chico Reese
There might not be a better time than now for learning how to repair your own baseball glove. Why? Two reasons really.
First, you should know how to clean and condition your glove. Just doing this type of easy, routine maintenance will keep the glove in top shape and make it last a lot longer. Nothing is worse than having your favorite mitt break right in the middle of an important game because you just didn't take care of it. Then, if you don't know how to fix it, you might end up sending it away for a lot of money if you want a quick turn-around. If you don't pay for the "quick fix", you might lose the glove for a week. And, you still aren't guaranteed that the repair was done the way it should be with strong, quality laces.
If you know how to really keep your glove in great shape, the leather will always feel nice and soft. So many gloves have leather that is very dry and cracked. The laces are the same way, nearly ready to break. Gloves like this can be a safety hazard too. Many of us have seen a fielder attempt to catch a hard line shot or take a hard throw from another player only to have the ball go right through the glove. True, this might be good business for a doctor or dentist, but an unnecessary and painful event for the player. So, learn how to keep the glove laced up tight and looking and feeling new.
Second, save yourself money! It's funny how things can change when money gets tight. Before, glove maintenance and repair might not have been a big consideration for you. Now, with the economy the way it is, it just might be a consideration. You can literally do a repair job on your own glove for under ten dollars...five bucks for leather and a few bucks for conditioner. If you already have extra lace and conditioner from previous work, a job might not cost you anything that day. Way better than sending the glove away for $50.00 and a few days!
The thing is, once you learn the basics, fixing any glove is not really that hard and does not take that long to do. Most repairs will take you under a half an hour to do, really! You'll zip right through it. You'll spend more time cleaning and conditioning if the glove is in bad shape.
Finally, if you save yourself money, it makes sense that you can save other people money too by repairing their gloves. You can charge a little bit for this service and make yourself some extra cash and maybe at the end of the week you can take your family out to dinner or something. Believe me, people will pay you $10.00, $15.00 or $20.00 for an overnight fix instead of $50.00 or $60.00. The one thing that is true is that once you do one repair job for someone, word of mouth will get around, and get around fast, and before you know it there will be people approaching you asking if you would be willing to fix their glove because they need it in a day or two. And, some of these repairs might only take about fifteen minutes...do a little cleaning and conditioning and $20.00 later you make someone real happy when they see their favorite glove looking and feeling new again!
Learn how to do this...it's easy, saves time and money, makes people and kids pretty darn happy and can make you some money at the same time. Can't beat it! No better time than now!
Do your own Baseball Glove Repairs. Learn how to repair, relace and restore your own baseball glove with "Fix That Glove". Save yourself time and money.
Baseball Glove Repair
Chico Reese has been closely involved in youth baseball, softball and High School Baseball over the last twelve years. He also is known as "The Doctor" for his quick baseball glove repairs and restorations for many kids and adults throughout the summer.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chico_Reese
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